Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Great Falls, Montana by Bike

SummaryEric and Matthew Gilbertson
OwnerEric Gilbertson
Creation Date2008-08-27 12:52:47 UTC-0400
DescriptionFor an awesome, complete, day-by-day, multimedia trip report see our dad's blog:

Trip Statistics

Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Great Falls, Montana
(N70 11.981 W148 27.376) to (N47 29.986 W111 18.265)

3012.9 mi

37 days

120,962 ft total elev gain (avg 3200ft/day)

Miles per day: 120.53 (max), 31 (min)

Avg calories per day: 8,000 - 10,000

Max speed: 43.1mph*
(*BOB trailers are only rated to 25mph)

Moving avg: 12.1mph

Flat tires: Eric 1, Matthew 9

Days of rain: 7, days of snow: 1

Average # of showers per day: 0.105*
(*not including jumping in creeks/rivers)

Avg mosquitoes killed per day: 500

Days paid to sleep: 4

Wildlife seen: muskoxen, grizzlies, black bears, bald eagle, lynx, buffalo, caribou, elk, camels, cattle

License plates seen: all 50 states!, 11 provinces, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Argentina

# of (failed) attempts to pick up packages from Canada Post: 3
Satisfaction with Canadian Postal Service, from 1 to 10: -8

# of seatposts lost by the $%@@#&! TSA: 1 (see picture # XYZ)
# of seatposts welded/machined by the kind folk of the outpost of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: 1