Eastern Europe Country Highpoints by Bike

OwnerEric Gilbertson
Creation Date2014-11-21 16:39:44 UTC-0500
DescriptionOct 1 - Nov 15

14 country highpoint mountains summited (Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus)

2,197 miles biked
109 miles hiked
327 miles driving

Biking statistics (Cluj-Napoca Romania to Thessaloniki Greece):
30 biking days
Miles per day: 120 (max) 5 (min)
Flat tires: 16
Avg calories per day: 8,000-10,000
Max speed: 39.7 mph'
Moving avg: 11.8 mph
Days of rain: 6, Days of snow: 5
Avg number of showers per day: 0.11
Days paid to sleep: 4
Max temp: 65F, Min temp: 13F
Number of dogs that chased me: 120 (avg 4 per day)
Max number of dogs chasing at once: 6
Number of dogs that caught me: 0

Eric Gilbertson
Matthew Gilbertson (joining for Spain, Cyprus, Greece)
Nadine Müller-Dittman (joining for Macedonia, Albania)

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